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Showing posts from July, 2012

Process Theism and the Emergent Movement

There seem to be recent collaborations between process theism and the Emergent Movement [EM hereafter]. Claremont School of Theology (CST), an institution that intentionally and directly promotes process theism as its major research project, welcomes the potential for EM to reinvigorate mainline Protestantism. Dr. Philip Clayton, a major Claremont theologian, seems to associate himself with EM, as he speaks in conferences relevant to EM and blogs about EM. In addition, Brian McLaren, one of the major founding parents of EM, is a CST Trustee. Clearly, such collaborations are taking place. I think that they are healthy collaborations that can hopefully reinvigorate mainline Protestantism. While process theism can provide a robust and a coherent set of theological contents that is consistent with the intellectual goals of EM, EM can provide a sense of cultural relevance to the culturally outdated mainliners, who are generally welcoming of intellectually sophisticated theologies (including...

Affordable Care Act

For clear and concise analyses and evaluations of the issue pertaining to the constitutionality of the "Affordable Care Act," see Jeffrey Toobin's comment: