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Showing posts from August, 2013

Enrichment Journal and the Coming-of-Age of the Assemblies of God

Here are links to some impressive issues of  Enrichment Journal  (a quarterly ministry journal for Pentecostal and Charismatic ministers, especially Assemblies of God ministers): On Science and Religion On Politics and Religion It appears to me that the Assemblies of God has been distancing itself from fundamentalist evangelicalism. I personally consider that as an admirable sensitivity to where the Spirit is leading the Church.

Intelligence and Religiosity

What is the relationship between intelligence and religiosity? Are intelligent people generally non-religious? Do religious people generally lack analytic intelligence? Some researches seem to suggest that intelligent people are generally non-religious and religious people generally lack analytic intelligence. Here’s a link to a report about this issue: Here’s a link to an abstract of a scholarly paper about this issue: I don’t find the suggestions of such researches surprising. They seem to support the general suspicions of many philosophers. As a matter of fact, St. Paul in 1 Corinthians 1: 18 – 31 seems to even have the same suspicions about the relationship between intelligence and religiosity. For Paul, God called the ignoramuses of this world to shame the wise. I think that these findings can ...