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Showing posts from 2015

Evolution and Pure Chance

A student and I had a discussion in class about the results of the evolutionary process as byproducts of pure chance. I initially addressed the following issue: Whether the current debate about evolution and intelligent design has been framed as pure chance vs. intelligent design. Based on what I said in class, my answer was “Yes.” The student also recognized that that’s how it has been framed by others. But she ended up addressing a different issue: Whether it ought to be framed as pure chance vs. intelligent design debate. The student’s answer was “No,” because evolutionists, according to her, do not think that evolution has anything to do with pure chance. Based on my understanding of what she said, it cannot be a byproduct of pure chance, since the evolutionary process, which aims for the survival of the fittest, involves some forms of necessities. I am assuming that what she meant by that is that it was naturally necessary that some animals would develop certain...