“But none of us like to believe that things that happen to us are coincidences. We’re all hard-wired to believe that things that happen to us are significant.” Lawrence Krauss (Theoretical Physicist / Anti-theist) As a Christian who constantly and critically examines one’s beliefs (religious ones in particular), I always find myself living in the midst of what I call "doxastic dilemmas". The term "doxastic" has something to do with belief. A doxastic dilemma can refer to a case where an agent has to make a profoundly perplexing choice between two contradictory beliefs that appear to represent two equally possible states of affairs. For instance, as a Christian, I believe that God elects, for reasons utterly unknown to humans, some humans to serve God in the midst of an ungodly world. The Bible abounds in stories about the heroes of faith who, supposedly, had personal experiences of God’s special providence. As a matter of fact, I also have my own experiences of ...
Philosophy, Theology, and Politics